Udi Urman is the Executive Director of Friends of Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design. Previously, Urman has served as the Director of Cultural Affairs at the Israeli Consulate in New England and New York, been a Board Member at NEMPAC, and has taught at Brandeis University. He specializes in the Arts and Culture spheres and has extensive experience developing and executing large scale fundraisers and nonprofit projects. In his current role as a director, he is raising brand awareness through producing exhibitions, holding lectures, hosting tours, and fostering ongoing collaboration with other organizations.

Photo by Nir Arieli
Udi is the founder of NY Public Art.
Walk of Art, Parasol Projects Gallery, 2017, Curator Yaara Keydar.
Fashion exhibition focusing on conceptual, artistic, and extreme footwear, aims to reevaluate the occult power and mystery of shoes.

Materialness, Parasol Projects Gallery, 2020, Curator Ariel Levian.
Design exhibition that explores the complex relationship between material, process, and environment.

Growing a Garden for an Unknown Lover, Boaz Aharonovich, ZAZ10TS Gallery, 2020. Curator Aya Goshen. A photo-diary artfully documents a gardening project that took place in his studio.